Monday, November 14, 2011

DVD Cover

This is a DVD that I recently bought at Wal-Mart. It is all three of the Ocean's movies. The purpose of this cover is to advertise the movie. The style of this cover has elements from the Early Modern style. The color scheme of red and black, along with the tilted axis and the sans serif type, is reminiscent of early modern. The white background also reminds me of the contemporary pieces that we looked at. I was attracted to this piece because it is a nice clean design and I like the fact that it uses elements from early modern and contemporary.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Footloose Poster

This is a poster that I found hanging up at the movie theater. It was created to advertise the movie before it came out. This poster isn't a specific design style that we have talked about, but it has a characteristic from the American Kitsch style. The name of the movie, Footloose, is done in a casual, script like font, like posters and designs from the American Kitsch movement. This poster is fairly simple. It has one main picture of feet, which goes with the title of the movie. All of the different feet show the different personalities of the people in the movie. I was attracted to the piece because I like how only the feet are shown and I thought it was a clever way to advertise the movie.