Monday, September 26, 2011

Mueller Reunion T-Shirt

This is a picture of a t-shirt from a family reunion from 1994. I like this shirt because of the way it is designed. The shirt was designed for the reunion. The green mountains form the "M" in the name Mueller. It was clever to use the mountains to make the letter because the reunion was also held in the Smoky Mountains. The yellow ring holds the words and pictures together. I like this  piece because it incorporates a mountain scene with the words. It is creative and pretty simple.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

This is a poster I found hanging in the movie theater. I like the simplicity of it. It has two basic colors, green and white. The organic shapes of the plant coming out of the sock are reflected in the lettering of the title. The poster also says, "He's a force of nature." The "nature" part is reflected through the plant and the use of green throughout the poster. The function of the poster is to advertise and draw people in. The people will wonder what the movie is about, prompting them to go see the movie. I was attracted to the piece because it is so simple.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Coca-Cola Sign

This sign is one from where I work, which is the Beverly 18 movie theater in Champaign. The function of this sign is to inform customers that we are now serving Coke and we have new free style machines. The design of the sign is relatively simple. On the left side, a picture of the actual free style machine is shown. The picture shows off the sleek design of the machine. The top of the sign says "100+ drink choices." This informs people about the incredible amount of drink options they have. The words also draw customers in. People are curious as to how there could possibly be that many options. Under these words are small pictures showing about half of the choices the customers have. They start to see just how it is possible to have 100+ flavors. At the bottom of the poster it says "quench your curiosity." This is the logo for the machine. People are curious about the machine so they buy a drink to "quench" their curiosity. The wording draws customers in. Lastly, there is the Coca-Cola logo at the bottom showing customers that the machine is made by Coca-Cola. I like this piece because it is very simple, yet it gives so much information to people about the machine.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Broadway Program

 This first picture is the cover of a Broadway program I got from New York City this past summer. I really like this cover because it is so simple, yet it gets its point across. Its point being what the play is about. The picture of the main character stands out against the simplified background, showing people that he is the most important person. If the background was more complicated, people could get distracted from the main picture.  The title also shows what the play is about. The title is so long that is describes the whole play. The designer made the two words "How" and "Succeed" bigger than all the rest because they are the most important. From the "How" people can guess the play is like a "How to" book. From the "Succeed" people can guess that the man on the cover wants to succeed in something, that being business. Just from the cover of this program, people can guess what the play is about. The second image is from the inside of the Broadway program. It is also simple, but not too simple. I like how the designer took elements from the stage and put them into the program. The blue hexagons are repeated throughout the whole program. In the picture from the play, you can see the hexagon shapes in the stage background. The designer took a simple shape from the stage and repeated it several times to get a simple, yet effective design.